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Country Festival

Liberecký kraj podporuje a spolufinancuje naši činnost z dotačního fondu Libereckého kraje:

Dotační program 4.26 - Podpora sportovní činnosti dětí a mládeže ve sportovních organizacích 2024


Kultura, památková péče a cestovní ruch program č.: 7.1 Kulturní aktivity v Libereckém kraji 2024

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Welcome to the organizer's website
Vysoka Country Festival

Welcome to the website of the Vysoká Country Festival.  During the past years, the Country Festival on the Vysoká farm in Chrastava u Liberec exceeded the expectations of organizers and spectators and became one of the best and largest festivals of this focus in the wide area of northern Bohemia.   Visitors include lovers of horses, equestrian sports - western, parkour, riding in a ladies' saddle, or vaulting. It becomes very popular for families with children and for fans of good music in the style of American country, bluegrass, folk and many other similar genres. ride a horse, take a farmer's courage trail, visit an Indian teepee, try juggling with a kluan and many other similar activities. The program is always accompanied by various dances.

The 1st year took place already in 2010 and it is always the 1st weekend in September. Here you can see examples of previous years:

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