Liberecký kraj podporuje a spolufinancuje naši činnost
z dotačního fondu Libereckého kraje - KULK 2024:
Dotační program 4.26 - Podpora sportovní činnosti dětí a mládeže
ve sportovních organizacích 2024
Dále oblast podpory: Kultura, památková péče a cestovní ruch
program č.: 7.1 Kulturní aktivity v Libereckém kraji
The Vysoká Equestrian Society is an association under the auspices of the Czech Equestrian Federation, which successfully and actively runs equestrian sports, various types of riding courses under the guidance of qualified trainers (monthly, year-round, group and individual, preparation for the ZZVJ (Test of Basic Rider Training), it also includes how to approach and take care of horses)
JS Vysoká also offers membership inPony Clubfor the youngest (from 5 years old). We have ideal conditions for training - a covered hall year-round and seasonally as well as an outdoor riding hall, a ring, changing rooms and a restaurant and horse transport.
We offer training and preparation of young horses, assistance with sale or rental (even partial of several horses of different types and uses). even on own or rented horses (hobby races, public training, training sessions and races).
We organize regular horse camps (residential and suburban).