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Reception, hotel reservation

Tel.: +420 488 881 020

Mobile: +420 727 805 190


Reception opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00

Event manager, HR

Tel.: +420 488 881 023

Mobile: +420 720 962 480



Wedding coordinator

Václava Jarošová

Mobile: +420 602 336 911


Restaurant, table reservation and celebrations

Mobile:  +420 602 336 911

Tel.: +420 488 881 024



Horse riding, agritourism, camps

Martina Svobodová

Mobile:  +420 777 349 751


Responsible person - operator

Václava Jarošová, responsible head of the Vysoká Farm and President of the Vysoká Equestrian Society
Mobile: +420 602 336 911


masseur: Jana Hozáková    Mobile: +420 606 959 802

masseur: Luboš Lachman   Mobile: +420 777 240 289

Billing data of Farma Vysoká

Bc. Václava Jarošová
Frýdlantská 131 463 31 Chrastava
IČO: 64041069
DIČ: CZ7756202575
Account number: 287888800/0300,ČSOB, IBAN: CZ60 0300 0000 0002 8788 8800 BIC (SWIFT) CEKOCZPP


The above-mentioned natural person - supplier, is registered in the register of tradesmen at the Trade Office in Liberec and at the Municipality of the City of Liberec, no. ZU MML/538/08/Vo/4, no. ZU MML/538/08/Vo/2 and reference no. 1/2004/ro/Lo.

Billing data of Jezdecká škola Vysoká

Jezdecká společnost Vysoká
Chrastava - Horní Chrastava, 463 31, Vysoká 9
IČO: 26552205 
Account number: 231758097/0300

How to get here?

Are you coming from Liberec (from Prague)?

From Liberec in the direction of Děčín, take the first exit to Chrastava, which will bring you to the square. From there you continue straight and after the bridge you turn up to the right. You will pass the church on the right, the company on the left. Benteler until you reach the very top of the hill (about 2 km from the square). On the left side you will see a large building with a red roof - the Vysoka farm.

Are you coming from Hrádek (Česká Lípa, Děčín, etc.)?

Take the first exit to Chrastava, which will bring you to the roundabout where you turn right (ie the first exit from the roundabout). From there you continue along the main road to the square and turn left here. Immediately after a short bridge (about 100m) you turn right up the hill and then continue along the main road. You will pass the church on the right, the company on the left. Benteler until you reach the very top of the hill (about 2 km from the square). You will pass the church, the school, the Benteler company and continue about
1 km further along the plum alley up the hill until you will see a large building with a red roof on the left - the Vysoká farm.

Map - location of Vysoká Farm

Thank you very much for your visit and we would appreciate any feedback so that we can continue to improve our services, please write your reviews at

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